Saturday, April 22, 2006
there will be a reshuffling of rank in WB~! As our Chairman give the green light.. well heres go..
Chairman -> Roy Phua V.Chairman -> Lee han wei treasurer -> louis low Blog personel/IT Department -> Soh Yihang Outing Organizer -> Tan Keat Siang The others will remain as member.
ps: Late comer, will be fine as usual... i was told to add this! so Everyone pls be early for outing/meeting!!
11:33 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
 our food!  hang sipping in the hot tau huey  louis ben ks posing for the camera  louis and ks posing for NZ gay yeah went geylang eat tau huey after bugis. moremeet up wb! hahah..
11:25 PM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

 anyway this are some of the pics we took during mintai's 21st bday(blogger hard to put pics want more get from me at manutd24@hotmail.com). eventful things happen there and well nice. its on 2nd of april exactly 1 day after april fool. well wishes can still wish him here or at his mobile. haha. belated 1 that is. haha..
how abt spending 21st bday in the hospital? haha how abt being rape in the chalet but feisty guys? haha how abt being taken naked photoes of yourself? haha how abt brking a toe nail in the chalet? haha how abt eating bbq food which was not marinated at all? haha how abt inventing your own style of marinating using chilli sauce? haha how abt the story of rain before the sun comes out? haha how abt thinking of what to do during free moments? haha how abt sneaking to the pool in witching hours? haha how abt how abt how abt? haha
haha fun things we did? nice thinking abt it? aint it? nexts' up is chun seng 21st bday! hha. here we come! everyone now is a teenager trapped in an adult body. they say 21st is the key to everything. when you reach that age it means 1 things! you are OLD!!! haha. on behalf of woodenbench we wished mintai a happy belated bday and yup of cos succeed in everything he does and get whatever he wished!
p.s due to members negligence. reshuffling of ranks will be introduced!
11:42 PM